
The Ornament

We friends soldiered on and through the winter we saw her decline & yet continue to shine. We were all so busy in our lives and she in hers that the ornament went up and came down without too much thought.

That January she emailed me and told me she needed a kick in the butt and that we should get together to craft. We set that date and made a plan for the weekend. We were going to make memories and she was to show me this beautiful craft.

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The Synthesis of Her Traditions

Finally, some clay piñatas and fruit for stuffing them. Kids used to break clay piñatas and throw themselves to get the fruit, that was our 80’s candy. The best fruits of the season were mandarins, green sugar cane and small jicamas (a delicious white root that is juicy and tastes delicious with lime and salt). You could end up with your knees all scratched from the clay, but that wasn’t a reason to hold yourself back.

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The Mushroom Hunt

In the distance I could hear the faint sounds of a brook. And amongst the trickle of water there were birds that sang. As we walked deeper into the forest the light from the road began to disappear and the trees grew even taller. So tall in fact that I felt dizzy looking up at them and I completely forgot why we were here as I tried to find my balance.

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The Best Veg. Biryani

On my last night in India, I went dancing kizomba. I told the Indian kizomba dance teacher that I was leaving tomorrow, going to Angola. I thought he would be excited to know that I was going to the birthplace of kizomba, the dance he was teaching.
“Angola. What’s that?”

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The Entrepreneur

My husband shared my little project with the RCMP gift shop manager and he asked if he could make some orders. This snowballed into a new line of products for my small business. I decided to launch a Kickstarter for an entire book series and custom belongings.

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